March 15, 2021

Submitted by: Sunita Tandulwadkar

There is an age old saying, You are what you eat. When it comes to pregnancy and fertility, this couldnt be truer. Your hormones, cells and even your blood are affected by the things you eat. Studies conducted by some of the top infertility clinics in India have shown that a woman wishing to get pregnant should change their diet at least three months to a year in advance. This allows enough time for your diet to show results. Here are a few fertility diet dos and donts that you need to keep in mind.

Do eat a lot of fish

Many doctors believe that pregnant women or women looking to conceive should avoid seafood due to the high levels of mercury, fish actually has many essential fats known as omega-3 fatty acids, which is known to have a positive effect on fertility. Omega-3 fatty acids have several pregnancy-related benefits such as easing depression, reducing chances of preeclampsia, lowering the risk of preterm birth as well as it vital for the development of a babys eyes and brain. The human body isnt capable of making omega-3 fatty acids, and that is why we need to get them from the food we eat. Cold water fatty fish such tuna, salmon, and sardines are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids.


Do eat tons of red, yellow and green vegetables and fruit

Nature has many of the best natural minerals vitamins that your body needs before and during pregnancy. Vegetables and fruit contain several of these minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants, phytochemicals and micronutrients which are responsible for eliminating free-radicals. These free radicles may damage the sperm, ova as well as ones reproductive organs with added exposure.

Brightly coloured vegetables and fruit are the answer to your prayers. Try red peppers, blueberries, spinach and kale for the best nutritional boost. The brighter the colour, the more the nutrition. Make sure you have at least 2 1/2 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit a day.

Dont compromise on iron intake

If you suffer from irregular periods, it is important that you stock up on your iron intake. When a woman menstruates every month, the iron in her body depletes. When you are pregnant, your body finds it difficult to store iron, as most of it goes to the baby. It is important to note that if you dont have enough iron in your body before you get pregnant, you may be at risk of postpartum anaemia a condition wherein the red blood cells deplete below normal and lead to low energy levels.

Red meat is a great source of iron. But if you are a vegetarian or dont have a red-meat rich diet, you can opt for iron supplements. Speak to a top infertility consultant in India to conducts tests on your blood for anaemia.

Dont have too much of refined carbs

Consuming too many refined carbohydrates found in things like pasta, white bread or white rice will not only change your body, but will also lower your chances of getting pregnant. When carbs are refined, important nutrients are stripped from the grain, including those responsible for boosting fertility like iron, B vitamins and antioxidants. If you are trying to get pregnant, make sure that your diet includes enough many nutrient-rich foods and whole grains as possible. While grains are also said to help with polycystic ovary syndrome ((PCOS).

About the Author: Dr. Sunita Tandulwadkar is one of the leading gynecologist in the country. She has been providing dedicated services in the area of women’s health with specialty in the management of infertility and laparoscopic surgery for the past two decades. Her entire team works with tremendous passion, dedication and team spirit. She has also published a lot many books and articles on Fertility, IVF, Enhancing Endoscopic Surgeries and many more.


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