April 2, 2021

By Maya McMahon

Acne skin care is a priority for many people since over ninety percent of us will unfortunately suffer with acne breakouts at some time during our lives. The right skin care routine can combat blemishes and prevent future flareups from occurring.

Three Step Acne Skin Care

Acne-prone skin is like taking care of any other skin type when it comes to basics – you always use a three step system. Whether your system is based on natural elements, over-the-counter remedies or prescriptions, you will always use a cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

Wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser to remove dead skin cells, dirt and oils. Next, use a toner to get rid of the residue that may remain after cleansing, Finally, apply a light, noncomedogenic moisturizer to maintain your skin’s balance. Moderate to severe acne sufferers can use specialized acne cream with ingredients such as tea tree oil or benzoyl peroxide to combat breakouts while replenishing moisture.

Never combine acne skin care routines. Certain ingredients do not mix well with others and you should never conduct a potentially harmful chemistry experiment on your face. By sticking with one line of acne treatment products at a time, you can identify what works and what does not work without irritating your skin.


Also, certain ingredients in your acne treatment products can actually aggravate the condition and should be avoided. Elements that should not be included in your everyday skin care regime include lanolin, mineral oil, parabens and propylene glycol that can cause inflammation and irritation.

Controlling Breakouts

There are acne skin care remedies that can help clear up pimples and prevent future breakouts. Over the counter acne skin care treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and tea tree oil are particularly helpful for clearing up this skin problem.

To remove dead skin cells that can clog your pores and aggravate acne, you can use clay masks, microdermabrasion and exfoliating scrubs. Avoid harsh treatments that will strip or irritate your skin, causing additional breakouts.

The Right Diet

Including certain vitamins in your diet is an essential part of an effective acne skin care routine. Vitamins to enhance your acne skin care program include vitamin A (found in carrots and tomatoes), vitamin B (found in meats and whole grains), vitamin C (found in oranges and lemons), vitamin E (found in almonds and vegetable oil) and zinc (found in eggs and mushrooms). Your daily diet should include six to eight glasses of water daily to flush toxins out of your system for clearer skin.

Foods that really don’t belong in your everyday diet (and can also pack on unwanted weight) include fried foods, chocolate, sweets, saturated fats, soft drinks and alcohol.

Acne Regimes Take Time

No matter which acne treatment option you choose, remember it takes time to see results. Allow six to eight weeks for your program to work before changing your routine or trying a new one.

By following a practical acne skin care treatment routine, you can enjoy a more glowing complexion in just a few weeks.

Discover the ultimate acne skin care secrets and more easy to follow tips on my web log.

About the Author: Maya McMahon is a self-taught professional expert on skin care topics; Maya’s expertise ranges from acne prevention to anti-aging and organic skin care treatments. She has accumulated vast experience and knowledge through self learning, experiencing and testing for the last 25 years. Maya has now decided to freely share her skin care secrets, tips, tricks and recommended products with all women and men via her

Best Skin Care Product

web log.



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